To the one I might get married one day.

You, yes you may be the stranger that I am writing this letter to.

How would you know, you might be the one I am marrying one day. That’s what you need to check, are we going to get a meeting through our parents and then our parents will most likely be saying yes to each other. If yes, then it’s you that I am writing this letter to.

I think I covered all the basic question, so here comes a big one. What’s the purpose of this letter?

Why this letter? Because I am very bad with words while I speak and because I am not quite comfortable to a Stanger to open up my heart and speak freely whatever I feel. And I turn to writing when speaking doesn’t comes to rescue.

I wanted to tell you that I am scared of getting married, to anyone. I am scared of trusting my self and my life for a whole life-time commitment to a person I barely know. I know we can meet up, talk more, spend more time together, but this here, this time, right now, when our parents are in the beginning of our marriage’s first phase, I am scared as hell! I don’t even know if I am ready to be a part of such big thing. I have so many questions and so many things to decide that sometimes I just don’t want to think anything about it.

Do you also get scared marrying a complete stranger like me? Do you also have many questions like I do? Do you also get nervous like I am? Because I am nervous! Very nervous.

This would be a new start to my life. This would be a complete change for me. I would be a part of someone’s life and house. I would be leaving my home to go to yours. And I am not sure if I am ready for any of this! You know na a person is bound to live in his own cocoon of comfortness and so am I.

I do have many aspirations for my wedding day. I have a long list of my own. Do you also have one?

I think of marriage as a life time commitment to a person with lots of honesty and love in it. I have heard people saying that love happens automatically. I heard you saying the same thing. So I want to believe in it. But I am scared. There is a lot going on in my mind and I am trying not to think this much. I want to leave it to time like whatever happens. But maybe I am not able to do that. Hence I am writing this to you. Maybe this way I will be able put these things off my mind.

I always wanted to have an honest relationship with my people so I took this honest initiative to tell you what I am feeling these days. I might ask you many questions, some might repeat more than once. But then the whole purpose of doing that is to make sure they fit in my mind. I need some kind of reassurance that this person is right one!

It’s true, no one can know anyone in just one day or even a whole life time, but it doesn’t mean we stop talking or sharing.

Although I don’t want to expect anything from anyone, but then I am still expecting from you to understand my thoughts. I believe friendship really sort things out between people. So we can try being friends first. That’s what I think. If you have a better plan then do tell me. If we are going to do this then we should make a way for that na. There must some kind of beginning. I am taking this step to write to you as the beginning to build one honest relationship.

I hope you will understand.

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